Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The geographical history of Map making Research Paper

The geographical account statement of Map making - search Paper ExampleThis paper seeks to explore the science of map making with respect to its rich history culminating to contemporary maps. A map is a diagrammatic representation of a part of the world exploitation from a birds point of view to provide steering to the user on designated landmarks and geographical locations. In this respect, maps indicate the location of important elements in a specified part of the world such(prenominal) as political boundaries, natural resources, roads, topography, as well as scotch activities. The science, study, and the art of making maps atomic number 18 descriptive of cartography, which involves examining the information conveyed, and its useful application. The importance of maps cannot be understated as they serve to provide guidance and delegation to an atomic number 18a of touch. In this regard, exploration of new areas is easily facilitated by studying maps relevant for directi on to various regions. This ensures arctic of individuals involved, as they are aware of their surrounding keeping away from potential price such as cliffs, raging waters, and hot deserts, which facilitates effective tourism. Similarly, geographical illustrations indicate flight patterns that ensure safety in air travel. Notable also is the role of maps in illustrating weather patterns, which is critical for individuals in the vicinity. To this effect, word of advice can be delivered effectively to residents in the event of eminent weather catastrophes. Maps also serve to shield infrastructure through effective planning and engineering. For instance, utility companies such as gas and electricity profess maps indicating their infrastructure network, which is critical in the management of cities. This ensures that developers are aware of the network and thus work somewhat it to preserve its integrity and avoid economic repercussions. The most remarkable role of maps, to both anci ent civilisations and modern society, is demarcation of borders at national and international levels. This is critical to enhance peace and foster cohesion amongst distinct cultures in the world. Maps provide a unique opportunity to establish territorial boundaries that fundamental in delimit jurisdiction with regard to legal systems and economic activities. International boundaries are often vocal in ascertain trade among nations, which serves to influence prices of various products such as oil in the world. In addition, maps are of economic importance owing to expoundd trade routes and cargo tracking, which provides essential information to various business parties. In essence, maps are important tools that facilitate understanding and navigation of the world around us. Depending on the application, various kinds of maps exist to illustrate different aspects of the worlds phenomenon. Physical maps indicate identifying physical features of the land with respect to terrain, topo graphy (elevation), rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. These find effective application among explorers in their navigation and among policy makers as they plan development projects. Similarly, movement maps are extremely specialised to indicate transport networks such as road maps in order to guide users on how to get a round. Distribution maps highlight the presence or absence of a desired interest in an area for instance, the maps can be used to illustrate demographics or the availability of natural resources in a region. Political maps highlight national and int

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Safety of Recovery Personnel and Rescue Workers Essay

The Safety of Recovery Personnel and Rescue Workers - study ExampleSuch feedbacks must be forwarded and processed by the appropriate supervisors and personnel who are in charge of monitoring end results (SLAC 2009). A worksite analysis must be make and should be the precedent step in determining what jobs and workstations are the impending sources of the problems. In the worksite analysis, exposures, problem tasks, and risks are evaluated and identified (Herman et al 1998). A valuable worksite analysis is comprised of all the jobs and work activities needed in the whole operation. As an industrial hygienist, I would personally recommend adequate inspection, research, and examination on how a certain physical or chemical hazard at the job site can affect the workers health before in reality letting them enter the work zone since this is part and parcel of the worksite analysis phase. The result of which will be given appropriate remedial or corrective action (Herman et al 1998).T he recognition and control of hazards is sexual congress to the utilization of environmental monitoring and methodical appraisal of hazards in order to detect the range of risks they amaze that pertains to the employment of engineering science and work practice controls along with other methods to contain any(prenominal) potential hazards, which workers whitethorn be exposed to (Herman et al 1998). The appraisal and identification of work hazards including traumas and tensions which are grounds for sickness, impaired health and creates a certain degree of discomfort to workers by way of having contact with chemicals, physical, ergonomic and biological factors is done essentially to recognize said potential conditions and eradicate or manage them through the application of any suitable corrective measures (Herman et al 1998).To decrease the adverse health hazards which employees or workers are exposed to, engineering controls must be modified and put into operation.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

World Trade Organizations regulatory regime Essay

World Trade Organizations regulatory regime - Essay showcaseIt has often been plant that the people, who toil throughout the day in order to bring food to our tables, atomic number 18 unable to provide for two square meals a day to their own children. This trend is especially pronounced among the farmers who are compelled to work hard amidst all adversities to meet their both ends meet. This innate hunger and poverty talent discourage the farmers or other such producers from producing premium quality products that subsequently might lead to a deterioration of the health standards of the consumers. The solution to any bother could be found in the roots of that problem and thus a number of researches were carried out in this regard. Gradually the fact came to light that the farmers were actually actually poorly paid which made it very difficult for them even to sustain their lives the problem was especially exquisite in developing nations. This was reflected in the quality as well as quantity of the products, none of which were found to be potentially saturated in nature. This was hampering their position in the international market, killing their prospects to earn more than and thus push the nations towards a trial of development. Since the World Trade Organisation aimed towards attaining a free mountain environment without any trace of a constraint, it was important to assure that the producers were fairly treated so that no obstructions came in their path of development and growth. Hence, the concept of fair trade farms came into being to ensure that the small-scale and bare(a) farmers.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

National Assemblies of Kuwait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

National Assemblies of Kuwait - Essay display case97). The subsequent National Assembly election was conduct in 1971, and it also produced an assembly that was deemed compliant with the wishes of the judgment family. Most of the former nationalist leaders, including al-Khatib, failed to re-enter the assembly. However, the 1971-1975 National Assembly made its voice heard during negotiations with major oil companies. It was during this session of the National Assembly that the ambition to Kuwaiti participation with the KOC began, starting Kuwaits path towards nationalizing oil resources (p. 97).Nationalization of oil happened under the National Assembly of 1975, which also enthusiastically oppose other policies of the Amir. Finally, wary of the impact that a vibrant opposition would have on the ruling family, as well as with relations between Kuwait and other Arab states that disapproved of assemblies and the resulting Arab nationalist opposition groups, the Amir fade out the ass embly in 1976 (p.97). Kuwait remained without an assembly until elections were held in 1981. While they were relatively free and fair, the political sympathies subtly supported Islamist leaders as a counter-balance to the nationalists the government was still uncomfortable with. This meant that opposition pioneer al-Khatib was uneffective to rejoin the assembly again. Islamists formed the opposition core, while pro-administration Bedouins also made gains. The assembly was vocal in its opposition to the government to various government policies, including legislative-executive relations (p. 98). The next assembly elections in 1985 saw the government encourage nationalists and Bedouins to run so as to reduce the Islamist influence. This assembly resulted in the formation of nationalist and Islamist opposition blocks that coordinated to block government bills. So effective was this assembly in opposing the government that, all the same again, it

Friday, April 26, 2019

Should priciples of justice in a community begin with the maximin Essay

Should priciples of justice in a community range with the maximin assumption evident in John Rawls work A theory of justice - Essay physical exertionRawls was primarily concerned with questions of how best favorable justice could be organized as a terra firma structure in a liberal and democratic lodge (Ibid 6). For Rawls, his idea of justice was directed at how a societys main political, social, and economic institutions should cooperate together in distributing fundamental rights and duties to everyone in an ordered society (Ibid 6). His objective of A Theory of Justice, published in 1971, was to provide an alternative solution to the then preponderating utilitarian principle of justice, which held that, a society is right and morally just, if major institutions maximized what is intrinsically good, to the satisfaction of the enormous majority of people in a society (Ibid 21). In rejecting the utilitarian principle of utiltiy, Rawls set aside his conception of justice, whic h was egalitarian in nature.It would perhaps be helpful to look at close to definitions of justice, originally analyzing Rawlss conception of justice. The dictionary of legal theory define justice as the set of moral and political constrains on human interactions (Bix, 2004 108). There have been significant debates about the nature and source of standards of justice, and some unbelieving thinkers argued that standards of justice were grounded only in the conventional spatial relations of society, or in a communitys traditions (Ibid 108). Other theories viewed the principles of justice as a general agreement among people under certain ideal conditions. A traditional view of justice described standards that are eternal and unchangeable, established by God, the nature of the universe, human nature, or some combination of these (Ibid). D.D.Raphael (20011), a theorist of justice, recognized justice as a complex conceptthat pervaded social thought, and is basic to law, ethics, and pol itics alike (Raphael1). In social and political ethics,

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Processes and Evaluation in Employment Relations Essay

Processes and paygrade in Employment Relations - Essay ExampleA study of the Australian workplace scenario shows that strategic HRM are often faced with issues when trying to affect pagan changes as lack employee focus, leading to increase work related insecurities and a persistently decreasing job satisfaction (Leah, 1999). Culture, which fundamentally relates to the meaning an idiosyncratic deciphers about the world around him and an understanding of the tools with which he must deal with this world, the primary objective of cultural changes within a workplace is associated with conscious and active processes aimed at developing capabilities that enable individuals to find novel methods of working. It makes way for new processes, beliefs, thoughts, and measures that uphold to bring about organizational success. Owing to current large-scale globalisation, championship strategies have become to a greater extent intricate, making it necessary that workplace culture within an organisation becomes more complex in order to implement various modifications. This paper will study the role of HRM as regards affecting cultural changes within an organisation and will derive that implementing cultural changes is a complex and difficult process, and HR steering has a limited role in affecting these changes. Human resource management can be defined collectively as comprising of all concepts, strategies, policies and practices which organizations use to manage and develop the tribe who work for them (Rudman, 2002, 3). The current function of HR is to manage long-term goals, and to take a wider and more equilibrise approach, instead of convening only on internal issues pertaining to human resource management. Modern HR managers accent more on future-based goals, long-term strategies, value adding leadership roles with focus on global integration, primarily in terms of economic and socio-cultural integration (Adler and Gundersen, 2008, pp.7-9). Fig 1 Human resour ce activities of a modern occupancy firm (International HRM and organizational behavior learning guide, 2010). Ulrich (1996) delineated HRM roles and divided them into four categories based on their functions. These are Change Agent, Strategic Business Partner, Administration, and Employee Champions (Ulrich, 1996, pp. 19-20). Besides these, HR managers must be knowledgeable about the socio-cultural make of globalization and be technologically oriented. In context of HR functions as a change mover and a strategic business partner, which encompass bringing in strategic cultural changes within an organization, these are associated with guiding and assisting in creating an overall business strategy and framing of HR plans and activities, keeping in discernment the current globalization. If human resource strategies are incorrectly planned and implemented, an organization is likely to face also-ran within the global market that is highly competitive in nature (Belcourt and McBey, 20 10). Here, the human resource managers help to formulate overall business strategies and set goals for a firm, while bringing in suitable workplace cultural changes within an organization that would assist in achieving success in overall business outcome. The treatment organisational culture, which became popular during the 1980s, is often considered

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

What does it take to build a collaborative highly effective team Essay

What does it draw a bead on to build a collaborative highly effective police squad - Essay Example2. The team has a lot of discussions in which everyone often participates and freely speaks their minds without whatsoever form of fear, but within the objectives of the team. All members ideas be heard and none of the team members fear mentioning any creative ideas they may have.It does not only take up the draw to mystify an effective team. Likewise, the team members must also put in an effort to visit that the team functions effectively without any problems. First, it is grand as a team member to try and get a line each of the other team members potential. This helps one to clearly understand what habit they play in the team. Secondly, it is chief(prenominal) to understand what role one plays in the team. Once you do, you can simply focus on your make job as part of the team. Third, after understanding your role in the team, it is easier to identify whether there is any n eed of improving your skills in order for one to perform better in the team. Lastly, trust among every the team members is crucial. This implies that helping each other out would be highly beneficial to the effectiveness of the team. In case one of the team members is falling behind, other members should be willing to help.The leader plays an important role on how the team operates, and it is therefore important to open up to the team members in order to make them feel like they can trust you and freely speak their mind within the group (Woodcock, 102). Secondly, it is important to realize that what works for one person may not necessarily apply to someone else. forfeit the tea members to express themselves in the way they most feel comfortable. Lastly, come up with team create strategies in order to improve communication within the team and build trust among team members.The leader in the team sets the example for the other team members and it is most likely to be expected that the team members will likely mimic what the team leader does. It is important to come up with the

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Process design for Riordan Manufacturing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Process design for Riordan Manufacturing - Essay ExampleA new-sprung(prenominal) process design for the payoff of Riordan electric winnows will need designs associated with material requirements planning (MRP), supply drawstring processes, yield forecasts, and imposeation plans.The MRP helps in specifying when production and purchase orders must be placed for distributively stop and subassembly to complete the product on schedule Effective planning and controls associated with the supply chain process and rent can help in inventory management. Demand variations are the norm in the business surround t here(predicate)fore, supply chain processes, forecasts, and implementation plans have to include the flexibility necessary to cope with demand variations. bodily Requirements Planning The reason companies use an MRP transcription is to approach problems, determine the number of parts, components, and materials needed to produce each end item. MRP also provides the schedule spec ifying when each of these materials, parts, and components should be ordered or produced (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006, p. 630). Riordans facilities for parts and facilities for production are in different locations. In order to detect up with everything that Riordan is doing and desires to do they must implement an MRP system that will allow them to manage inventory and production schedules. It will also allow them to keep up with production output and will make sure they are utilizing and operating at direct best capacity without overloading the production process by monitoring all aspects and all locations involved in production. An MRP system will further improve Riordans level of customer service and track billing, inventory and all other areas of production and livery in one system in which all locations are on the same page. The system will allow triggers for ordering, slowing and speeding up production, parts, etc maintaining a consistent level of operation and low i nventory based on need. New Process Design Changes in third areas of process design can have a tremendous impact on Riordans chinaware plants efficiency and in turn allow Riordan to achieve higher profits through higher on-time delivery of their products. Electric Motor delivery issues In the current process Riordan has outsourced its electric motors for their fans. The company they use is a topical anesthetic Chinese company that only has a 93% on-time delivery average. Riordan may realize great on-time delivery if this process was not outsourced but moved in-house. This would ensure a higher on-time delivery of a much needed part for the fans they produce. Orders and shipping/delivery The current forecasting method for fan production is based on the last three year sales average sales. The shipping method for local orders is that they can be picked up at the plant, which is good because there is no show room or warehouse cost associated with storing the unsold fans. Fans to be delivered within China, Riordan use a local company, much worry UPS or FedEx. For international deliveries Riordan uses FedEx. 31.6% of the population in China has internet access (Internet World Stats,2010). The use of the Internet as an ordering tool to allow potential customers, both individuals and businesses, to place orders would both stream epithelial duct the ordering process as well as allow Riordan to forecast better the number of fans to produce. special(a) Order Fans Riordan also produces a certain number of fans for special orders that would be produced with special specifications. Riordan designs the new fan according to customers specification. Once the fan is approved, a small number of the fans are created on a lower floor a separate contract. There are no forecast numbers for special orders. Riordan would benefit here from a website aimed at past business customers to allow them order or reorder past products. append Chain Process Strategic

ETHICAL DECISIONS IN LEADERSHIP ( case study) Research Paper

ETHICAL DECISIONS IN lead ( case study) - Research Paper ExampleIt is possible that an ill-considered decision could damage the employees perception of Lucy and via media her future effectiveness as a manager. Lucy Matthews is time-bound to render her decision, which must be a choice of one of the candidates, and which shall necessarily exclude the other two, with any attendant consequences.In formulating the occupation thus, attention is called to two things first, the obligations and demands of the position, and second, the cleverness of the candidates to meet them. These are the primary and mandatory considerations which the decision shall have to address they are so central such that if none of the three have the necessary capability to meet the duties of the position, then another candidate must be sought aside from them. It is only when these conditions are equally met by at least(prenominal) two of the candidates that other, secondary, factors may be weighed into the de cision.It is possible for such a problem as this to get littered in the mass of information that has been presented. The evaluation should thus be directed by the main problem articulated in the prior section. Firstly, the facts that shall be presented support an evaluation of the mandatory considerations earlier mentioned, that is, the duties of the job and the capabilities of the candidates. just if at least two equally suitable candidates are found will other facts be considered.Concerning the position to which the promotion shall be made, there is no indication in the case study of its particulars, however there are hints that it is a middle trouble job, inasmuch as the three candidates are now on supervisory levels, and aspire to be moving higher it is a marketing job, most likely the management of the team leaders, but who must be highly attuned to the tastes and preference of consumers who create demand for their product in conclusion inasmuch as

Monday, April 22, 2019


TEENAGE versed HEALTH AND CRITICAL INCIDENT - Essay Exampleunintended pregnancy, related policies and legislation of the United acres government towards child and adolescent protection, and a critical analysis of Johns Model of reflection 1995, towards improved nursing practice in the field of teen time sexual health.Sexual Health is defined by the Family Planning Association as the capacity and freedom to enjoy and express sexuality without exploitation, oppression, material or emotional harm. Sexual health is stated to be an important part of physical and mental health. Together with other fundamental rights, it is a key part of our identity as benevolent beings. According to Bekaert (2005 86), the essential elements of good sexual health include access to information and services to evacuate the risk of unintended pregnancy, illness or malady.Sexual intercourse at a younger age and poor condom use have led to increased rates of sexually transmitted transmittings (STIs) i n the teenage group, states Bekaert (2005 14). The government has responded to the general increase in STIs with the national strategy for sexual health and HIV. It recommends the progression of sexual health and of mainstream sexual health services to decrease the incidence of STIs.20% to 30% of teenage females diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection acquire another disease within eighteen months. The consequences of infection with an STI vary according to the infection. They can include increased risk of cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy and infertility. With acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), the individual is susceptible to opportunistic infections and will ultimately die. The consequences of STIs can be worsened for teenagers as they tend to present late for treatment, have a poor knowledge of STIs and have fantastic perceptions of their risks.The risk factors for contracting sexually transmitted diseases are male sex, youn g age, early age at first intercourse, number of partners, ethnic

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Child cognitive imparment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Child cognitive imparment - Essay exercisingThe disease is defined by the center of disease control by a score of 70 and below on the shavers intellectual test capabilities i.e. the IQ test. There be foursome levels of a infants cognitive impairments. A child suffering from mild cognitive impairments has an IQ test of 50 to 70 while moderate cognitive impairment has an IQ test of 35 to 55. Severe cognitive impairments with an IQ test of 20 to 40 and profound cognitive impairment where the child has an IQ test of below 20.physical disabilities will usually impact on the way a child controls its body, move and the cognitive and intellectual disabilities will affect the way the way a child thinks and learns. Children widen at different rates. However, there are certain milestones that the healthy child ought to reach by a specific age. The childs cognitive impairments will affect the developmental milestones of the child (Webster et al., 2006).Cognitive impairments are as a result of a number of factors. Majority of the instances of cognitive impairments are as a result of genetic and chromosomal disorders. Cognitive impairments are also portiond to injuries and illness that occur to the mother during gestation period or infancy period. Extreme cases of malnutrition to the child, inadequate medical accessibility among the infants, exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals can attribute to cognitive impairments among children. Other causes attributed include genetic diseases, infections on the child such as meningitis, parasitic infections to the child, noetic malaria, in-utero alcohol and drug exposure during pregnancy, asphyxia, low birth weight, endocrine disorders and head injuries to the children. Most of these causes are preventable. However, it is tricky to prevent these conditions in developing countries. With the many possible causes, it is difficult to define the specific cause of cognitive defect on a child (Ferguson, Hall, Riley, & Moore, 2011).Signs and symptoms

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Business Proposal for Photo Rental Equipment Company Assignment

cable Proposal for Photo Rental Equipment Company - Assignment Examplempany that aims to provide a digital platform, two web and app, from which travellers across the globe would locate and rent their desired photography equipment. In addition, renters may economic consumption the same platform to incr rest the market visibility of their products. The renter places their products in the platform and the travellers then selects a product based on their specification and location.The main goal of the company is to increase the ease at which the photography rental equipment industry is keen to administer the needs of the regular traveller. The company recognizes that the regular traveler relies heavily on the abilities of their mobile phones to access basic travel amenities. For this reason, the creation of a website and an application provides the ease at which the traveller may access photography rental services. This is the mission shared by the government as it strives to increa se its online presence for the use of travellers across the globe.Revenue sources for the company are directly cogitate to the web platform created. Majorly, both the user and the renter that uses the digital platform pay a management to the company. The users are required to pay a higher commission to the company than the renter. Other revenues sources from the venture hold the provision of a marketing prospect for business in the field. For instances, tourism hotspots may use the digital platform to market their products and services.The success of the company is based on the creation of interprets for the market introduction, penetration and dominance. subsequently creation of the product the product would go through the first stage of the website creation. The website would then be marketed in New York City. The second stage sees the expansion of the product to the city of Chicago and Miami. The two stages rely massively in the use and maximization on the marketing opportun ities provided by giant social networks of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. The other stage

Friday, April 19, 2019

The business of water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The business of water supply - Essay fashion modelInvestopedia defines it as a collective proposal to both assess and allow blame for effect of familiaritys activities on affectionate welfare and environment. This term usually applies to the efforts made by a caller that steer away further and may be needed by environment protection groups and regulators. The bodily complaisant responsibility may also be known as corporate citizenship and can take into account sustaining short-term costs that do not give a direct financial tally to company but foster positive environmental and favorable change (Investopedia, 2013). Most of the companies enjoy capacious power in community and national economy. They organize many of their assets and have billions of dollars at their disposal for social investments for the purpose of corporate social responsibility. ... The aims of this assignment are to critically assess various theories pertaining corporate social responsibility based on C SR four part model in accordance with Business of water case and to critically evaluate the affect of demand and supply of water on corporate social responsibility initiatives such as Partnership agreements as mentioned in the case (Investopedia, 2013). Task 1 In 1979, Carroll classified Corporate Social Responsibility in a paper on performance of corporate culture in which he gave out four theories of corporate social responsibility legal, ethical, discretionary, and economic. These four layers shew that business history gives a premature emphasis on legal and economic aspects first and thus on discretionary and ethical aspects of CSR. In 1991, he first presented this model of CSR in the form of a pyramid as the following figure represents. It was proposed that even though all the components are not set up to be mutually exclusive, it assists the manager to visualize the varying kinds of duties which are in relevance to each former(a) (CSRQuest, 2013). (CSRQuest, 2013) In 2004, Carroll tried to take into consideration the stakeholders viewpoint. Economic responsibility holds the idea that one should do what planetary capitalism asks him to go. Legal responsibilities contain that companys usually only do what ball-shaped stakeholders necessity them to do. Ethical responsibility says that do what global stakeholders expect you to do. The philanthropic responsibility however believes that do what global stakeholders require you to do. This was the overall emphasis by Carroll (CSRQuest, 2013). This four-part model of CSR has been immensely cited and used in literature. Some reasons

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Detecting Bias Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Detecting Bias - Assignment mannequinen by Catherine Porter and titled as Lessons of the Montreal Massacre Why women must fight to be what they want for virgule and the level of bias presented in her publication.The title is the first element of an article that attracts the ratifier and motivates him to read or believe that which way the article is inclined towards. The title of this article clearly indicates that it is in favor of women who ar biased or facing difficulties in being what they want. However, the article title leaves the referee thinking about the main theme and hence promotes the reading process. Porter uses words which show her accept involvement in the issue. She uses the words like we and us to convey the message of togetherness and mutuality of opinions. Porter uses certain(prenominal) words which clearly state her biased views and even expose her targeted audience through this article. For instance she writes If you are one of those young women which clear ly indicate that this article is written with a perspective to persuade women readers on her perspective.She uses a persuasive tone to attract the readers and accept her contains. She states If you are one of those young women who says you arent a feminist, you havent hear this fib. This claim, on one hand, challenges the thoughts of women who say they are not feminist and emphasizes on the importance of her stated story on the other. The facts exposed in this article are of course of immense importance. Like the reference to detail incidents and facts help in developing her claim. For instance the reference to the incident which she adds in her article as In 20 minutes, he shot or stabbed 27 people, mostly women, before shooting himself. Fourteen of his victims died. This claim does not only put the women at a disadvantageous position because of discrimination or bias from the opposite gender but also explains the level of discrimination and bias by stating that All of them were women. Her

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Work Based Practice Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Work Based Practice Project - Essay Examplevascular dementia, medical conditions much(prenominal) as picks disease substance induced dementia must be root ruled out in order to com to this diagnosis. The accurate assessment of DAT is make through broad testing Psycho motor testing and neuroimaging as well as standard lab hold out to mention but a few deficits be found in the following aras.This study is found largely on experience gained through the ongoing with Care Company who wish to develop a training capability in Dementia care. This research will be involved working intensively in an Elderly Mentally Infirm registered residential home. The purpose of this research is to outline ways in which training can be use to help staff develop into reflective practitioners.This study concerns a case study examination of Care Company from which permission has been obtained. It is hoped that this research will contribute to the political partys development and implementation of he alth sector goals and objectives.Studies done have indicated the major signs of dementia are forgetfulness. A condition called mild cognitive impairment is observed first. This is the stage that describes the situation where one develops shape forgetfulness that is due to old age and the commencement of dementia. People that find themselves as victims of this MCI generally experience problems that are related with memory and thinking capacity. This however does not interfere with their daily undertaking. Several studies have been done to develop the major causes and symptoms that are associated with dementia.According to Biernacki (2007) the major cause attributed to Dementia is the damaged brain cells. modify to the brain cells causes breakdown of communication making it impossible to translate the different undertakings of the body for instance thinking and behaviour. This can be explained by the through looking at the composition of the brain. From the studies done, the brain is made up of several distinct regions. Each region

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Sweatshops and Child Labor Essay Example for Free

Sweatshops and Child Labor EssaySweatshop is delineate as a factory or kit and caboodlehop, especially in the clothing industry, where manual locomoteers atomic number 18 busy at very low earnings for long hours and under poor conditions. Sweatshops also referred to as the labor factory, arrive ats a hazardous and unhealthy domesticateing environment for employees such as the exposure to deadly materials, dangerous situations, extreme temperatures and abuse from employers. Sweatshop workers work for long hours, almosttimes without taking all breaks, and these workers atomic number 18 non paid for some(prenominal) overtime hours or the minimum wage, although it is mandatory by law. These conditions are considered risky for any person, precisely the worst part is that in many countries, children are being strained to work in these sweatshops. The term sweatshop is mostly associated with underprivileged developing countries especially in Asia, but sweatshops did exist at some point in United States and Europe. For Ameri cans, sweatshops are history, but in a South Asian countrified, Bangladesh, race are still operative in these horrible conditions, especially children. Child Labor has always been a part of developing countries and a current article about child labor in Bangladesh shows that it is never going to end.Recently, British Broadcast Corporation, also known as BBC, sent one of their newsperson, A drop deadair Lawson, to a galosh pin factory in Bangladesh where many under aged children are employed. Lawson interviewed a ten-year-old girl named Asma, who works in that factory along with ten former(a) children who are about her age. Asmas job consists of sit down on a bench alongside her co-workers, Asma operates a powerful cutting device in the poorly-lit set forth for up to 12 hours a day. The machine that Asma operates cuts the metal for the pins very thinly and if Asma makes any mistakes accordingly she could slip her fing ers on that cumbersome, heavy and dangerous machinery. When Lawson further interviews Asma, she tells him that the workers in the factory are not disposed any lunch breaks and there is no firstly aid in a case of an emergency. Asma, like other 13 million children in Bangladesh who work full time to behave their families are forced to work because of the unfortunate circumstances of which their families are in. Asma tells Lawson that she does not know who she is employed by and all she knows is that she earns about both dollars a day for working twelve hours.Lawson, disturbed by the environment of the sweatshops and the unsafe condition for not just children but any human, writes, I dont think she Asma understands the safety part of her work neither she nor her workmates go in any safety gear and she seems totally unaware of the hazards. many a(prenominal) of the sweatshop workers work full time to support their families and provide food for them, which causes them to work i n poor surroundings in which their lives are at jeopardy. more(prenominal) of these workers are victims of what, according to James Rachels, the author of The Elements of Moral Philosophy, describes as the minimum judgmention of piety, this concept states that morality is, at the very least, the effort to guide ones conduct by antecedentthat is, to do what there are the best reasons for doingwhile giving equal weight to the interests of distributively exclusive affected by ones decision (Pg. 13). The reason why these workers might be in this state because they think of what the effect of their un meshing would be on their families who are depending on them for food and shelter, these workers think first about their home and then about themselves and what dangers they are facing when they go out to work in those hell holes called sweatshops.Although working in sweatshops and facing the conditions that are provided for workers there is morally wrong, but it is would not be cons idered ethically incorrect, because these workers are mostly ignorant and for that reason they can not find jobs in offices or other places where education is required. Another reason for why sweatshop should not be considered ethically wrong because these workers have a choice whether they should work there or not. If a worker does feel that the conditions in the sweatshop is in like manner inconsiderate for them, then they can quit at any time that want, because they are not sign language any legal documents that forces them to work there for a certain period of time. Also, many people in developing countries prefer to work in sweatshops because in such countries, there are many products produced from cultivation therefore, these workers could either become farmers or they could work in factories and build products such as cell squall component, clothing, furniture, shoes or toys. Sweatshops are especially beneficial for people who are handicapped and uneducated because if a pe rson were both handicapped and uneducated then they would not be able to work on a farm. Therefore it is easier for them to just sit on a bench and manufacture products. Although the conditions in sweatshops are unsafe and unhygienic, but it would help handicapped people feel like they are helping their families or else of being a burden on them. Sweatshops are not just beneficial to handicapped and uneducated people, but it is also advantageous for the unfortunate developing countries. As the number of sweatshops increase the coarse can become more industrialized and there would be less farming and more technological advances. Many economists who are pro-sweatshops believe that if a country is more industrialized then the conditions of the sweatshops will improve and the wages will increase therefore the workers should assist their countries to become more developed. These economists also believe that when the conditions of sweatshops are expound they are often compared to the f actories in developed counties, which should not be the case because the developed countries have fracture laws and these laws are split up enforced on business.Other than laws, it is also believed by many economists that sweatshops are better for the society in a developing country because people would work for money rather than stealing, which would create chaos and more problems for a country. Another reason is that women would get an equal opportunity to work and preferably of going into stone crushing or prostitution, these women are working hard with their dignity. If there were no sweatshops in developing countries then people would not have any job opportunities and they would eventually starve themselves and then die. The cons of sweatshops can be that sweatshops and child labor, deprives children of their moral reforms, Rachels talks about what morality really is and how it is related to our lives. Rachels devotes the replete(p) first chapter of his book to What Is Mo rality? Rachels refers to Socrates, a classical Greek philosopher, who defines morality or moral philosophy, as how we ought to live.Considering Socrates definition of morality, it is seen that child labor in sweatshops deprives these children of how they want to live. These children are thrown into this dangerous and unhealthy work force as soon as they are able to understand the meaning of work. The meaning of morality shows that child labor and conditions in sweatshops are immoral because according to Rachels the nature of morality has two primary(prenominal) pointsmoral judgments must be backed by impregnable reasons and second, morality requires the impartial consideration of each individuals interests. Child labor and the conditions of sweatshops are not backed by any good reason the besides acceptable reasoning can be the poor condition the family of the worker is in. Also, the raise of unemployment rates in these disadvantaged countries are causing these workers be scare d to lose their jobs (Rachels, Pg.10).Sweatshops not only deprive people of their rights to overtime payment or minimum wage, but they are not given any lunch breaks or in many cases bathroom breaks. Along with the horrible psychological conditions, these workers are also facing physical risks because of the harmful materials that they use during production of products that are made for rich or more developed countries. The argument that sweatshop workers should support their country into becoming an industrial is not really medium to the workers because the supervisor of the sweatshop earns the profit, but they refuse to share that with the workers.Critics of sweatshops say that the supervisors deliberately lower wages and make the hours long-term because that would give them a greater profit margin, which is not beneficial for the workers at all, for long or in short term. If the managers of the sweatshops keep this routine then the country would not get anywhere and there will be no industrialization. Some economists who are also the critics of sweatshop believe that better paying jobs, more investments and national will power of resources will improve the economics of a developing country rather than having sweatshops.All though there are economists who are pro-sweatshops, it is determined from the environment and the situations described by Lawson in a factory in Bangladesh, show that sweatshops are immoral because they deprive the human being of their rights such as children are robbed of their right to go to school and earn an education also their childhood is robbed of all the happiness of playing removed with their friends, but these children are forced to sit in a room for long hours and manufacture products by using machinery that is hazardous. Other than children, women also face immoral circumstances where some pregnant women are forced to have an abortion so they can continue working, which is the most corrupt thing that could happen to a wo man. Many feminist organizations have campaigned against sweatshops because almost 90% of the laborers in sweatshops are women and children.Overall, the conditions of sweatshops and the treatment of workers demonstrates that the concept of sweatshops should not be used by any developing country to help them industrialize, because it is important for a country to be compassionate towards their people rather then becoming a well developed country which has been built on the poor workers sweat. People in industrialized countries like the United States believe that sweatshops are history but for poor developing countries, there are still sweatshops that have horrific working conditions in which mostly children and women work long hours to support their families. Some countries that have sweatshops are, China, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Vietnam and Honduras.These countries should begin to invest more in better factories with machinery that is safe for human use and strict laws should b e passed out that prevent children under the age of sixteen to work in these factories. Along with better factory conditions, overtime pay, lunch breaks and holiday and sick leaves should be provided to the workers. There should be better laws that enforce minimum payment and employs laborers with equal employment opportunity. These improvements would have a better affect on the economy of these countries, because people would most likely be satisfied with their jobs and they would be more willing to help their country become industrialized. Sweatshops are not the last hope for a developing country to become industrialized and anything that begins with immorality does not stand for long, but something that has been made with enthusiasm lasts longer and is much healthier.

Advantages of Raw Milk Essay Example for Free

Advantages of Raw Milk EssayFrom the time of Hippocrates to until just after World state of war II, this white blood nourished and healed uncounted millions. Clean raw milk from pastured cows is a complete and properly balanced food You could live on it exclusively if you had to indeed, published accounts exist of race who have done just that Whats in it that makes it so great? Lets look at the ingredients to see what makes it much(prenominal) a powerful food Proteins Our bodies use amino acids as building blocks for protein. Depending on who you ask, we need 20-22 of them for this line Eight of them are considered essential, in that we have to get them from our food.The remaining 12-14 we can make from the first cardinal via complex metabolic pathways in our cells Raw cows milk has all 8 essential amino acids in varying amounts, depending on stage of lactation About 80% of the proteins in milk are caseins- reasonably heat stable and, for most, easy to digest Lactoferrin ( 14), an iron-binding protein, has numerous beneficial properties including improved absorption and engrossment of iron Ice cream we dont drink milk, we eat.Milk is our first foodMammals lilliputian time milk50 years ago 2000 pounds of milk per yearNow top producers everywhere 50000 pounds, how is it done ?Drugs, antibiotics, hormones, specialized cow breeding breeding cows for specialized skimmed milk. Skimmed milk cow. Its insane , and rocket fuelCows milk also contain bloodKillsVitamin B6 pyridoxalVitamin B12CyanocobalaminDiabitis no proper enzymes to digest proteins.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The communicative art of language a learning Essay Example for Free

The communicative art of terminology a learning EssayThe existence of the diversity of linguistic summons made the communicating ideas between people difficult enough because of language differences. It also affects the interaction of the teachers with their students who inadequacys the needed need of the knowledge about the spot language development. With these, a concept is made to introduce the process of acquiring language that involves the 5 major stages of language learning. The use of Language is a special benevolent ability and the more progress use of it means to have added control to deal with the world where communication is the major outlet of understanding. Both in the lives of the children and the adults, there is a certain call to transmit the ideas and entropy they know and this is where the necessity to put all these into words and gestures comes in. One difficulty with language study is that, particularly, the scholar has a language barrier that is upro oted from what is taught to them from the start. This scene occurs especially inside a classroom where a concourse of students could not process out what their instructor is saying due to the limited resources avail competent to support the young language that are being introduced to them.From here, there is a concept developed to divert the second language acquisition to these students (from their teachers) which includes undergoing the five major stages of language learning that could be used as key concepts in applying the second language development in their very own classrooms. The Silent / Receptive or Preproduction acquaint First of the five stages is the silent period that requires the skillful perceive training. It is more focused on listening because in this early stage, students are not required to speak nor the teachers to force them to oppose verbally.Here, gestures and facial grimace is much needed by the students to show that they understand what is being said. Although there are round students who simulate enough self confidence to produce their own generate language, it is best for them to give off some time understanding the new words or ideas to be receptive enough to them for further advance use. This stage usually can last from ten hours to six months, depending on the students capacity to perceive. This initial stage shows the set-up wherein student starts to familiarize him / her self to the words or instructions offered to them and what it literally means.though listening and understanding whitethorn be simple enough to do at the same time, students may face special conditions that may affect the usual length of time this stage may undergo. First, the surroundings could not be suitable enough for mere interaction as students may not receive the new language or what is being said because of the interference occurring around. He / she may not be comfortable enough to go along with the discussion and so as the lesson being taug ht to them.Second, the student could be directly affected by the personality of the speaker (which is the teacher) whose voice, gestures and presence are as often as the words being spoken. Thus there, this stage needs not only the adequate training for students unless also of the teacher involve. Instructors could easily introduce the new language to the students at this early stage by doing the traditional teaching procedures such as asking the students with queries that are subjected to be answerable with a yes or a no, initiate whole class activities that pose students to participate freely and willingly etc,.They could also promote their students by letting them communicate on their own in form of games such as charades (which requires a lot of hand gestures and facial expressions). The Early Production Stage The early production stage enters when students could respond over 1000 active words and use them in everyday conversations. Awareness is needed in this stage because st udents are asked to speak in phrases or demonstrate what they know and still answering questions even with only one word. Soon students are given their freedom to relate their spirit over things with the anatomy of speech behavior with repetitive language patterns.Their words should be clear, precise and direct applying to the dialogue and questions asked to them. This second stage of language learning last an additional six months subsequent to the initial stage of training. exclusively in this stage, there are things that may hinder the progress of the said language concept. One of these is that they may lose interest to respond simply because of the errors upon on their pronunciation of words or grammar. When they are change by reversal for over several times, the students may later learn not to respond anymore and could result into iterate again the first timbre of the conversation.Another is that the student may find it difficult to respond because of the lack of suitabl e to answer the questions being asked to them. Because of the demand to use what they have learned, they may be found it seriously to alter the appropriate phrase the teacher had provided for them to respond with. The stage is eventually believed to be the first step for the development of speech usage in discussions and conversations and therefore, should be given enough time for the students to be able to understand again and again.Here, the teacher should be experimental in shifting working tactics to slang learning a lot easier and fun. The teacher may ask the student certain things only answerable with a yes/ no, or just by giving short answers or in instances, requiring the students of their own opinion by nodding or shaking off their heads. With these, they would feel the security of being in a group that shares in a certain expression of thought.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example for Free

internationalist grocery store EssayIntroductionThe last two decades, probably after World War II the sparing growth ache speeded up by multinational incloseprise. In the 1990s foreign demand investing made by these firms grew as faster arte than both transnational trade and GDP (Cieslik Ryan, 2011). The foreign shoot for investment already created lots of mickle for world economy however, it is non luck to each international firm. Some of them similarly faced huge adventure, even failure. finished start history, it seems manage it is not easy for companies to submission foreign mart placeplaces. Some of firms were very successful in the their home countries however, they were failed in foreign markets. Those corporations adopted the equal selling strategies that they apply in their home countries because they thought using the same methods would bring overmuch dinero in the foreign countries. However, the results were not they expected in the lead. Why? The primary(prenominal) reason is that the foreign market environs is not the same with their home countries. There ar many another(prenominal) an(prenominal) an(prenominal) an(prenominal) diametrical conditions in foreign, and those differences would receive international companies rearrange strategies for pertly markets. Such as, culture, geography, religion, politics, etc. Among those differences, the well-nigh in-chief(postnominal) is culture difference.Culture is a trunk of appreciates and norms that argon dowryd among a conclave of people and that when taken together constitute a formula for livingwhere values atomic number 18 abstract predilections close what a group counts is swell, right, and desirable, and norms are the social rules and guidelines that regularize appropriate behavior in circumstance situations. Therefore, international firms cannot use the same market strategies that they used before to apply divergent foreign markets. In rise to power to system difference, in the past, standard products were popular by international enterprises since they can operate multinational supply chains by standard operations. However, recently, to a greater extent firms design their product to a greater extent localization, it is because international firms want to garb in deeply foreign markets. Sometime, the companies even inquire to adjust their products for foreign customers, like Starbucks and Coca-Cola adjusted their recipes for local markets.Facing the diametric markets, the corporations should use different strategies to fit in the different markets, and customized product for local customers. International enterprises need to restart to think many expound about their customers, product, service, supply chains, etc. In addition, there are different fl stations for foreign firms to entry the different countries, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as exporting, contractual agreements, strategical attachments, and direct foreign investment. Each mode has its adventure, and international companies should denudation out the best mode to for itself.Choice of entering foreign mode is alship canal a good argument for literature. The primary option is foreign direct investment. It can bring lucrative benefit, s gondola carce it has biggest risk. The direct exchange and setting the branches are costly, and care organizations would face bigger risks by this directly foreign selling mode. Well k instanter examples of such(prenominal) organization are using this mode to set up their value chain in foreign countries, such as banyan tree steer, coordinated universal time, and Volkswagen (Jonsson Foss, 2011).Other is separating avowership and control, likes contractual agreement. Although this mode could not bring the benefit directly, it is prospicient-term investment and has low investment risk (Brown, Dev, Zhou, 2003). Other is strategic international alliance, it is based on slightly spec ific conditions that are controlling cost and arranging schedule, to pass this mode, such as, the air industry (Brown, Dev, Zhou, 2003).Whichever mode do the companies decide, and they inactive need to review their strategies for foreign markets. It is because the confederacy would face changing quickly environment, the shopping behavior, units of employee, and political starts. Companies can predict nearly considerations and take the reactions, but firms should take the risk for some of issues that they do not tolerate reaction (Raff, Ryan, Stahler).In this paper we would subscribe to form it internationalization experience and strategies, and multinational corporations organization. Also, we would see conversions from the standardly operation to localize management and production. Then, we would discuss about other modes to entry foreign market (Chen Chang, 2010).Literature ReviewAccording to the survey of IMF, the foreign market entry has been a popular topic in intern ational chore research during the last equate of decades. Firms need natural market to step-up sales, to neutralise competitor, and to cost down. Manufacturing industries become the initially separate of main interest in entry the foreign market studies because they want to acquire the advantage of resource efficiency, such as labor force, natural resources, policy of foreign investment, to make more profit. However, with the fast movement of technology and the growing of many potential markets like China, India, and Brazil, entering a foreign market becomes the critical issue for a corporation to reach more customers and earn more profit. To expanding the personal credit line to international market, the constitute industries at present rescue to put effort on both manufacturing and service. Today, there are more different expressive styles for companies to enter foreign markets.Thanks for the Internet, it speeds up the internationalization and connects the spherical information quicly. non save seam organizations can sell their product in different modes, but withal they can gather more information than before. With the help of IT techonology, a corporation can track customers action and consuming habit. Although the Internet caters many variety ways for companies with diversity methods to sell a merchaindise, the risk of entering foreign markets are lock away very extravagantly. Before companies entering foreign market, they should do more research about new markets to avoid the risks that they can predict. There are some reasons that demostrate why research is so important. First, the capital is limited. Even though the big confederation as Walmart and eBay, they still cannot suffer huge total of loss in a market. That is why they stayed back to the Asia market. In addition, doing local research can help companies know their customer better, so they can adjust their marketing strategies efficiently and effectively.Furthermore, by re searching the information of the competitors, the companies can decide which ways to enter foreign markets, to go with an agent or do with a joint venture, and what system can make the companies stand out in the market and subdivision with the competitor. Therefore, utilizing information is probatory to knock out straightaways multinational business. When it comes to brick-and-motor, targeting at developing countries with high disposable income seems to be easier to success (Polly Chan, 2009), because both of municipal demand and personal income are growing. Once a corporation focus on a high potential market, they should learn how to localization. Firms should not get locked into their glory in the first market and shoul make strategy flexible as they internationalize. They face different culture, organisation justnesss, consumer behavior, and business model of local disassemblener, so the strategy should be localized.Moreover, the corporation must be sure that the mark i mage and core concept hawk precisely to the customers, then educating them to find the value in the business merchandise and service therefore, it can outshining in the blue sea as what Apple did. Innovation also plays an important role of success as well especially when innovation combined with leaf blade value tightly, so do not be afraid of being different. Last, using resourse wisely and keeping good kin with other corporation mogul be a competitive advantage in the rising.However, cost down is not the only mesure to increase profit or secure a business. To pursue futher growth, firm must avoid stocking with a particular mode due to they tippytoel comfortable with it. In conclusion, gathering overflowing and critical information, the right and in-time decisions from management, market choosing, evaluating the local economy and culture are significant factors to success in foreign market entry, preferably than the firm size or how many financial asset it has. To support our finding and theory, we are providing the sequel of terzetto international businesses, coordinated universal time in technology industry, banian shoetree in tourism industry, and Volkswagen in manufacture industry. banian maneuver IntroductionThe first banian tree maneuver utilise circulateed in 1994, transforming an ecological wasteland into an environmentally sensitive resort banian tree guide Phuket (banian tree head, 2012). banyan tree manoeuvres school of thought is based on providing a place for renew of the body, mind and soul. Each Banyan Tree property is designed to fit into natural surroundings, using indigenous materials and reflecting the adorn and architecture of the destination. Banyan Tree group currently consists of 30 hotels and resorts, over 60 spas 80 retail galleries, and aggressive expansion plans for the future (Banyan Tree, 2012). Banyan Tree Hotels Resorts has grown into one of Asias most successful hospitality brands with numerous internat ional awards and accolades from existenceations like the prestigious Conde Nast Traveler and others. Even during the SARS outbreak in Asia in 2003, the beau monde still emerged bankable by achieving average occupancy rates of 65-67% (Roll, 2006). In 2011, the revenue is 270 million US dollars (Exhibit 1).Banyan trick up compendiumStrengthensEco-fri oddityly Accommodation. Accommodation of Banyan Tree group emphasizes rejuvenation, eco-friendly, romance, and sumptuosity. The corporation reminds customers that while you are enjoying the spend, you can still do something for environmental protection. Therefore giving the customers an important message that Banyan Tree is not only a profit-oriented troupe, it still cares about of the spherical environment and commit itself in sustainable management. Fast commercial enterprise Expansion. Banyan Tree expands the business world-wide in a rapid speed. Both Banyan Tree and Angsana resorts are taking an ambitious movement in enterin g new traveling location, such as China, Greek, and India. With two brands on the way, the expansion rate is much faster than other competitors hence, Banyan Tree group can acquire market share more rapidly in the new holiday promised land and enjoy the first mover advantage in those areas.Brand Extension. Angsana is a more affordable resort brand that helps Banyan Tree to attract lower level of customers. This differentiation not only helps Banyan Tree to gain more business but also creates a more vivid cash dispenser to give customers a brand-new experience. Despite Angsanas value is cheaper, it does not mean the service or the landscape are less impressive. Angsana still offers a high lineament value as Banyan Tree does. SPA Specialty. Spa training school, which set in Phucket, force cost amount of fee however, both the feeling and service are be guaranteed. Moreover, the therapist has to go practical training as well. This is also why Banyan Tree and Angsana Spa won amount of awards in travel industry. partnership Development. Banyan Tree group also delicates in community development, a part of profits is used to build school and childcare center, and help the local artist to develop their career. This is the kind of social office that everyone eagers to see. The more profit one union earned, the more it should feedback to the resident and society.WeaknessPolitic Issue. Government law is different from one countrified to another and then before entering a new market, Banyan Tree should exam the law carefully and has to think what the worse situation could happen. In some countries, Banyan Tree should go with joint venture, while in others countries they might welcome direct investment. Tax also plays a critical role in the profit. The instable political situation can greatly affect the business and profitability in a period. Taken Thailand as the example, in 2009, the protesters of red-shirt caused fears and panic in tourists, in the end, do th e slum in the whole hospitality industry. No matter what method, the company must prepare for the wet days. Human Resource. Human force is another weakness of Banyan Tree business.As the expansion of the resorts, Banyan Tree must find more labor force that can communicate in slope fluently. But, in nowadays, English might not be enough because of the rising of Chinese market. Furthermore, not every customer speaks neither in English nor Chinese, so looking for multi-language employees would be an urgent issue. inborn Disaster. many a(prenominal) Banyan Tree Resorts locate in the tropical area around by beautiful sea. Natural hazards, such as typhoon and earthquake, influence the rate of occupancy tremendously. For example, in 2004, the tsunami damaged the travel industry in Phuket and Maldives. The only thing Banyan Tree could do is to repair the resorts and to wait for tourism back.OpportunitiesChinese Market. As Chinese economy continues growing, the amounts of wealthy Chinese people pay more attention to vacation and family activities, so booming the international and national tourism market. Moreover, more and more people show interest in going to Asia and experiencing the culture of Asia. Because Banyan Tree started in Asia and is very active in establishing business in China, Banyan Tree and Angsana resorts would have a great advantage in the segment of luxury hotel. as well China, there are still many new hot spot that Banyan Tree could enter, such as Europe, Mediterranean, and Caribbean.Member of Luxury Hotel Group. The Banyan Tree Resorts and Angsana Resorts are the members of The Leading Hotels Of The World (LHTW) (The Leading Hotels of the World, 2012) and Okura Hotels and Resorts (OHR) (Banyan Tree, 2012). market alliance with LHTW and OHR also ensure the quality of the Banyan Tree. To be the member of LHTW, five stars is the basic requirement. A hotel must have additional conditions, such as delicate design, high-class service, amazing food , and breath-taking landscape. The marketing alliance is a magnificent method to increase Banyan Trees film and to enhance its business. stand by with Agent. Cooperate with agencies is another great opportunity to let people notice the brand and attract more customers. Many wealthy people do not do researches or plan a vacation by themselves instead, they prefer to book a package tour or flight plus tag end plan when they plan a vacation. This type of people go away recommend the hotels and the potency if they are squelched with the trip. After all, by word-of-mouth marketing strategy is very powerful tool to increase the fame. jeopardizeLuxury Hotel Competitors. Maintaining a niche position as market matured was an ongoing issue for the company. cutting luxury hotels are building, such as Aman Resort in the vacation paradise and Marriot in the city. In order to be sustainable in the planetary market place, Banyan Tree can no longer just rely on competing with costs from manu facturing efficiencies or low cost production. Banyan Tree needs to reinforce on unique culture experience and stick the brand value to customers. scotch Recession. Many 5 stars hotels, maybe not as luxury as Banyan Tree, have begun the price war in recent years when the global economy went down. In economy recession, customer chose a cheaper hotel to stay and deducted the entertainment fee. From aviation industry to hotel industry, they all faced the decrease in revenues. This factor might cause Banyan Trees revenue dropped dramatically in 2009.coordinated universal time Introduction unify Technologies Corporation (coordinated universal time) is the ranked number 150 on the Fortune 500 of 2011, and it is the ranked number 48 of the unite States companies. Its revenue is 58,190.0 million and profit is 4,979.0 million in 2012 (Fortune Magazine, 2011). coordinated universal time is a diversify company that providesa broad range of high-technology products, function to the global a erospace and building systems industries. The diversified manufacturer which owns Carrier air conditioning and heating company, Otis elevator company, and Sikorsky, a builder of commercial and military helicopters. In addition, coordinated universal time has a strategically balanced product portfolio that enables the company to tap diverse set off (United Technologies Corporation, 2012). In 2011, coordinated universal time announced a reorganization of our commercial and aerospace businesses. UTC commercial businesses are Otis elevators and escalators and the new UTC climate, controls security, which includes Carrier and UTC Fire security. UTCs aerospace businesses are Sikorsky aircraft and thenew UTC propulsion aerospace systems, which includes Pratt Whitney aircraft engines and Hamilton Sundstrand aerospace and industrial products (United Technologies Corporation, 2012).UTC SWOT AnalysisStrength strategicalally Balanced portfolio of Products and Revenue streams. UTC has dive rsified product. The company operates thought business segments to military area. Also, the company has a diversified revenue streams. Revenues from companys subsidiaries were well balanced. The balanced products and revenue streams allow UTC to address a huge base that sickens the business ricks and enables the company catch opportunities in new existing markets (Datamonitor, 2011).Strong emphasis on Research and Development. UTC has a strong emphasis in research and development. The company conducts its research and development activities by United Technologies Research Center (United Technologies Corporation, 2012). The center is focused on developing new technologies and upgrading existing technics in UTCs product areas. In addition to United States, UTC operates research in many countries, China, Cork, and Ireland. Besides, UTC invests lot of budget in the technology development and research. For example, during FY2011, UTCs research and development usance was $2.1 billion o r 3.5% of total sales (Marketline , 2012). Such focus on research and development helps UTC incorporating newer features to its existing range of products and also in bring out latest technologies in the varied areas. Thus, the company strong emphasis on research and development allows it to uphold the technological leadership in most of its product segments (Marketline , 2012).Industry Recognition. UTC has a strong recognition in the industry. Otis, is one of the worlds largest elevator and escalator systems, and Carrier, is the worlds largest manufacturer of heating, ventilating air conditioning and refrigeration systems (United Technologies Corporation, 2012). In addition to UTC, Pratt Whitney is also one of the worlds leaders suppliers of aircraft engines for commercial and military. Moreover, Hamilton Sundstrand is one of the leading suppliers of technologically mod aerospace and indusial product and aftermarket service for diversified industries worldwide. Also, Sikorsky, i s a strong suppliers of helicopter (United Technologies Corporation, 2012). Strong recognition across varied categories ensures its status as one of the strongest players in industry, which further enhance the brand image of the company and gives it a competitive advantage (Marketline , 2012).WeaknessLegal Proceedings. UTC has several pending lawsuits. For example, the company was sued by the Department of Justice(DOJ) in 1999 in the US District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, claiming that Pratt Whitney reviled the civic False Claims Act and common law. In relation to this lawsuit, the trial court judge fund that Pratt Whitney violate the False Claims Act and is liable for a fine of up of $624 million. Moreover, there are others lawsuit and the fines are not cheap (Datamonitor, 2010). Although UTC maintains reserves to cover the costs for claims and lawsuits, those litigations would relate the companys brand image and reputation.Significant Debt. UTC has outstanding d ebt and other financial obligations and significant unused borrowing capacity. In FY2011, the company had total significant debt of $10,260 million (United Technologies Corporation, 2012). The debt could force the company to allocate a considerable stack of cash flows from operations to debt service payments limit the companys ability to curb additional funding and lose advantage against its competitors who may have less debt. In other words, much debt would impact importantly companies coifance (Marketline , 2012).OpportunitiesSurge in defense spending in China and India. UTC provides a wide range of technology products and services to global defense industry, including the fastest growing markets, China and India. The increase global defense spending would provide the topline growth for the company in the short to medium term (United Technologies Corporation, 2012).Strategic scholarships. UTC made significant acquisition in 2010 and 2011 from the companys Fire Security segme nt. This acquisition will allow the company to expand its offerings of high quality gas and flame detection products (United Technologies Corporation, 2012). UTC uses to take the acquisition from other segment to develop other segments that UTC planned. Such strategic acquisitions would provide the company an opportunity to increase its global presence and revenue base (Datamonitor, 2011).Positive outlook for HVAC equipment market. The global HVAC equipment market has witnessed a strong growth since last few years. The global HVAC equipment market is forecasted to grow at a rate of approximately 6% yearlyly, which is expected to drive the market to $93.2 billion by the end of 2014 (Marketline , 2012). UTC through its Carrier business segment provides products including residential, commercial and industrial heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration systems and equipment. The company is well positioned to capitalize on the growing HVAC equipment market (Datamoni tor, 2011).ThreatsIntense Competition in Aerospace Business. The aerospace, global defense, space and aerospace industries businesses are subject to substantial competition from domestic manufacturers, foreign manufacturers and companies that obtain regulatory agency approval to manufacture spare parts. Customer selections of engines and components can also have a significant impact on later sales of parts and services. In addition, the US governments and other governments polices of purchasing part from suppliers other than the original equipment manufacturer affect military spare parts sales (Marketline , 2012).Government Contracting endangerments. The US government contracts are subjected to termination by the government, either for the thingummy of the government or for default as a result of UTCs failure to perform under the applicable contract. Those U.S government contracts are not easy to make profit, but UTC has many kinds of this contracts with the U.S governments (Datam onitor, 2011).Foreign Currency Fluctuations. UTC conducts its business on a global basis. The company derived approximately 60% of its total FY2010 segment sales from international operations. Therefore, the currency risk is an extremely important factor for UTCs earnings. Any changes in demand and refinancing conditions, fluctuations, in exchange rates have a significant impact on the companys earnings (Marketline , 2012).Volkswagen IntroductionVolkswagen has been the largest carmaker in Europe since the 1970s. It also has the largest assembly plant (Wolfsburg) and best-selling car (Golf) in Europe. Being a German company, Volkswagen group positions its brands at the premium part of the market Audi is mass premium, Volkswagen is semi-premium while Bentley, Lamborghini and Bugatti are prestige marques. lone(prenominal) the Spanish commode and Czech Skoda target at the lower end of the market, but they still share the high quality and engineering standard of the group because of e xtensive platform and component sharing.As the worlds leading car manufacturers, Volkswagen group is the ordinary transnational business template, Volkswagen historical analysis, it is clear to get a development model targeted analysis.Volkswagen SWOT AnalysisUntil the early 21st century, the worlds leading international move manufacturers have found that this fertile land which have not been fully reclaimed. However, in more than a decade of dominance, Volkswagen brand cannot shake the brand influence. Until today, VW brand identity is the identification of the most well-known automobile.StrengthBrand Awareness. From Volkswagens own point of view, the most important point is that the layout of the product. Since Volkswagen was into China early, and thus its product line pulled very long, the vast Chinese market is a large hierarchy of needs and different techniques have competitive products on the price level, to ensure that the public give full play to their own advantages. Volk swagens popular products always have been durable, reliable exercise and good reputation. Products Targeted. Finally, there is the introduction of the new Skoda, Volkswagens product family has been more fully into the Chinese from Audi, the high-end flagship Volkswagen in different market segments, each with good results and competitiveness.Room to grow. Volkswagen is now one-step ahead of the introduction of the latest addition to the vehicle platforms, engines and other key technology production, in order to ensure that they can have enough growth space. In addition, the development of new products based on the specific situation of the Chinese market in support of SAIC and FAW, Volkswagen began to actively exploring. Localization makes Volkswagen to be strengthened competitiveness in the Chinese automobile market, the future Volkswagen will become important weapon to compete in Chinas automobile market.Weakness strange Choice of Market Strategy. Volkswagen seems to have deviated from the direction of the public, and fully intends to make a difference in the luxury segment.Decline in market share. The data show that the Chinese auto market hotspots Global the study Automotive Group competition, the Volkswagen Groups market share in China hold the first place, but the share declined. To keep the advantage, Volkswagen has announced an additional investment of 1.6 billion euros for the construction of two new factories and other projects in China.Models look rich enough, a single product line. Conservative single shape is Volkswagens standard. Now everyone followers of individuality society shape is a good way to Volkswagen, however, how you can easily imagine the thoughtful and cautious changes of German companys philosophy.OpportunityGrowth of the private car market in China. With the rapid development of Chinas social productive forces, the sound and rapid development of economic construction has made each prescribe highway construction great achievemen ts, people travel more convenient than before. The private car market gradually matured. The purchasing power for the entire auto market is improved.Development of new heftiness technologies. Volkswagen is now for electric vehicles to develop a clear product release schedule. Electric drive car with inwrought combustion engine-driven vehicles will coexist. Technologies in this field will be further strengthening. In order to reduce the discharge consumption and emissions significantly, these measures will allow Volkswagen to a leading position in the zero-emission car market. amend public relations effect. In modern society, manufacturers and distributors, the service is an important means of marketing. Consumer satisfaction is their survival of the lifeline. By having a closer look on the sales figures, Volkswagen is very successful in selling their cars in China. It is also an effective way to explore and establish a good relationship with government, so that Volkswagen will on ce again return to the core area of the Chinese people and market.ThreatJapanese car competition. Strong competition from competitors, especially the Japanese auto strong competition for the Volkswagen from Germany is a big impact. As the oil belongs to the non-renewable resources, along with the gradual expansion of the use of inevitably less and less, plus the worlds largest oil-producing region of the core East political instability, oil prices fluctuated, the overall trend is gradually imprint Volkswagens fuel economy is relatively certain deficiencies. Shanghai Volkswagen has brought certain threat. Return risk. Volkswagen is committed to clean energy and energy-saving vehicles developed new energy is also the world in the development of R D, the threat is that the publics investment in can be rewarded. Developed a higher energy consumption of resources, and that Volkswagen will go to recover the huge investment.In addition, the Japanese small car in the energy and environme ntal protection more highlight the advantages of a smaller investment in environmental protection in transition. The public why the assurance that their remark is value for money a significant threat to public investment cannot maintain a leading level will be for their own development. Service Competition. In order to progress automotive competition, Shanghai Volkswagen had make in the current situation. Must be able to advance with the times, and the development and use of its own suited to the development of the marketing strategy, market demand, and solve problems for customers, and distort to make customer satisfaction. Improve the pre. Sale, service, and strive to improve the scientific and technological content of products and services. Volkswagen is currently lagging behind in this regard in the Japanese and Korean car manufacturers.AnalysisDoing business in home country is quite different in other country. In the class, we already know some essential conditions for multin ation corporations. Moreover, we will discuss that these multination enterprises have some similar characters to success in todays environment. Also, we can understand what foreign challenges they are facing when they are entering global markets.SimilarityBrand awareness. It is very critical for a company to keep leadership or earn profit in an industry. How to let customer embrace the idea of company is a significant issue for marketing strategy. Volkswagen is a wild-known Germany car brand with high quality and brand recognition. Volkswagen Das Auto, the slogan of Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand combines the three core values modern, providing enduring value and responsible (Volkswagen, 2008). It launched many successful car models such as Volkswagen Golf and Beetle. Next, Banyan Tree Hotel Resort, the Asia based luxury hotels group, also has a strong brand awareness.A Sanctuary for the Senses is the philosophy behind the hotels, resorts, residences, spas, retail galleries and destination club is based on rejuvenation of the body, mind and soul (Banyan Tree, 2012), thus giving the customers the greatest experience and building its name. Otis, the brand belongs to UTC, is one of the worlds largest elevator and escalator systems, and Carrier, and is also the worlds largest manufacturer of heating, ventilating air conditioning and refrigeration systems (United Technologies Corporation, 2012). From this three brand, we saw that they are dedicating in creating brand awareness, because it is the key to expend to the future business.Expending market in China. China is the biggest market in the world. With high economic growth rate, in China more and more people have disposable income to enjoy the material life, and more and more enterprises are thriving, too therefore, a huge amount of commodities are needed. From the manufacture industry (Volkswagen and UTC) to tourism industry (Banyan Tree), they are heading and accelerating their business in China. Not only t he national market that enterprises focus, but also target at the international customers that come to do the business or travel in China. In the next three years, the Banyan Tree group, including Angsana, plans to open 20 resorts in China (Banyan Tree Hotels Resorts, 2012). UTC will try to have business relationship with Chinese government on the global defense spending in the short to medium term. nervus on fierce competition. Even though each brand, Volkswagen, UTC, and Banyan Tree, is one of brand leader in its own industry however, they still face tremendous competition. In the luxury high-end car model, Volkswagen faces the competition of Ferrari, Mercedes, and BMW. In the cheaper models, it has to compete with Japanese car such as Nissan and Toyota. In hotel industry, Banyan Tree group has encountered many luxury hotel groups in their business location, such as Four Season hotels in Macau and Bali, One and Only resorts in Maldives, and Aman resorts in Phuket. UTC also strugg le with the competition in global defense, space, and aerospace industries businesses. Because these fields are subject to substantial competition from domestic manufacturers, foreign manufacturers and companies that obtain regulatory agency approval to manufacture spare parts.In addition, the US governments and other governments polices of purchasing part from suppliers other than the original equipment manufacturer affect military spare parts sales (Marketline , 2012). To stand out in the blue sea, these three companies have to build a strong marketing strategy to convey and create the value for their customers. Politic restriction. It is not the unusual issue for the foreign and global company. Every country has its own regulation. That is to say, the marketing strategy must to adjust country by country. Moreover, the politic is not so stable in some area, hence increasing the risk of investment, decreasing in sales and profits, or both. Doing deeper researches becomes more criti cal for a company before planning and implementing its market strategy in a country.DifferenceProduct position. Since having different product positions in marketing, it makes them also have different marketing relationships, marketing strategies, and management systems. For example, Banyan Tree and serve and product are targeted at traveling and tourism, and it was classified into business to customer (B2C), as well as Volkswagen. Therefore, people are easy to see their advertisements. Moreover, Banyan Tree not only includes hotel industry but also traveling services. Thus, it is critical for Banyan to guarantee its services quality since it would has deep relationship with their traveling industry (Banyan Tree, 2012). In addition, Volkswagen focuses its product most.Every year, Volkswagen need to ask new markets and focus different levels of customers before it publishes new car (Volkswagen, 2008). Although the serve is also important to Volkswagen, the new cars attraction is vit al for Volkswagen expanding markets. UTCs marketing relationship is business to business (B2B), it is different from other two cases. It would focus on its product technique and quality (United Technologies Corporation, 2012). Since UTCs products are various, it includes many of business requirements, it is benefit fro UTC to maintain long-term relationship with their customers.Marketing impact. Nowadays, each companys market is not always stable. The factors from marketing impact are also various. Some factors come from external, such as environment, economic recession, etc. and some are belonged to corporation internal. For example, first, the frequent marketing impacts to Banyan Tree are natural disaster, such as typhoon and earthquake (Banyan Tree, 2012).The only thing Banyan Tree could do is to repair the resorts and to wait for tourism back. Second, UTC has significant debt, and it would limit the UTCs ability to obtain additional financing and lose advantage against its compe titors who may have less debt. In other words, much debt would impact significantly UTCs marketing performance (Datamonitor, 2010). Last, the decline in Volkswagens marketing share is a serious problem, especially in China market. Since more and more competitors share car marketing, Volkswagen has to find another way to increase its marketing share (Volkswagen, 2008).Marketing Strategy. Corporations should have new strategies for increasing market share since more and more competitors are also in unstable-fast markets. According to case reports, these three corporations also have new marketing strategy to attract new customer and maintain its original customers. For example, Banyan adopts marketing alliance, and it is a magnificent method to increase Banyan Trees exposure and to enhance its business. It would ensure the quality of Banyan Tree, such as delicate design, high-class service, amazing food, and breath-taking landscape (Banyan Tree, 2012). Second, UTC re-organized its comp any for utilizing its resource efficiently and creating new markets.UTC uses to take the acquisition from other segment to develop other segments that UTC planned. Such strategic acquisitions would provide the company an opportunity to increase its global presence and revenue base (Marketline , 2012). Also, Volkswagen tries to attract it new customers by developing new energy technique. Volkswagen believes this technique, that reduces the fuel consumption and emissions significantly, will allow Volkswagen to a leading position in the zero-emission car market (Volkswagen, 2008).Risk considerations. Having business in abroad should not only consider the market, but also economic risk and government risk. For example, Banyan would have a serious impact in economy recession since customer chose a cheaper hotel to stay and deducted the entertainment fee. From aviation industry to hotel industry, they all faced the decrease in revenues, such as in 2009 (Banyan Tree, 2012). UTCs would have a significant impact on the companys earnings, if there are any fluctuation in exchange rates. It is because UTC derived approximately 60% of its total FY2010 segment in abroad (United Technologies Corporation, 2012). However, according to Volkswagen case, the major risk of Volkswagen is competitors. Volkswagen should find other way to distinguish its competitors (Volkswagen, 2008).ConclusionThese three cases all have good reputations in global industry, and their product and services are also predominant in their area. Banyan Tree provides good quality service and hotel in tourism industry, UTC has high technique in aero industry, transport area, and weather control system, and Volkswagen has large market share in car industry. In addition, they are not new multinational companies, and they have long history in their home markets and global markets.According to the report, we know that international business share some strength factors and also face same challenges. Although their product and service are different, they still have some similar conditions, such as owning brand recognition, having politic issue, jointing Chinese markets, and facing global competitors. In addition, we believe that those enterprises are capable to deal with different global challenges, including marketing their product into different countries, predicting any risk from external, and creating new marketing.Under turbulently changing environments, enterprises survive through dynamic reactions. Those reactions should not only think on experience but also create new marketing strategies. Also, having sensitive recognition to global market and creating marketing method are vital to nowadays environment. It is not difficult to identify that Banyan Tree, UTC, and Volkswagen already own these characters. Because of their experience and creating marketing thinking, they can have outstanding performance distinguish from their competitors.Through this report, we understand that being mult inational corporations would have similar successful characters to overcome foreign challenges. In this quick-changing era, it does not matter what product or service is, fixable and executable international marketing strategies are vital to global companies to conquer the global market.ReferenceBanyan Tree. (2012). Home Page. Retrieved from Banyan Tree Hotels Resorts http//www.banyantree.com/en/ Roll, M. (2009). Banyan Tree Branded Paradise from Asia. Retrieved from Official Weblog for the book Asian Brand Strategy http//www.asianbrandstrategy.com/2009/06/banyan-tree-branded-paradise-from-asia.asp United Technologies Corporation. (2012, February 24). United Technologies Corporations annual report. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from United Techonlogies http//www.utc.com/ closely+UTC/ lodge+Reports United Technologies Corporation. (2012, May 1). About Us. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from United Technologies Corporation http//www.utc.com/About+UTC Brown, J., Dev, C., Zhou, Z. (2003, May 8). Broadening the foreign makret entry mode decision spearating ownership and control. 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Friday, April 12, 2019

Christian Commission Essay Example for Free

Christian Commission EssayThe foregoing discussion showed that during the well-behaved contend women served in many capacities. They helped in the war effort even though they only stayed at home by knitting socks and sewing shirts and uniforms they organized themselves in order to raise funds for the war chest they acted as medics and field sucks and some of them, who proved as brave if not braver than the others, literally risked their lives by playing the dangerous game of espionage.Howalways, their participation in the war did not stop there. They defied the law in both the North and the S emergeh which prohibited women to join the army as fighting soldiers by be as men. Both the coalition and the ally armies were duped into drafting women disguised as men. Although intimately of them were probably propelled by extreme patriotism, it turned bug out that many joined the army for other, more personal reasons. One of the most notable women soldiers in the Union army was Sarah Emma Edmonds.Sarah joined the army as a volunteer in Michigan, where she enlisted as a man by the recognize of Franklin Thompson. (Lewis, 2007) She later served with the 2nd Michigan Infantry for a couple of years. It was reported that there were times when she had to act as a spy disguised any as a black man or as a woman. (Hall, n. d. ) She was reported to have seen transaction in the Battle of Blackburns Ford, the Peninsular Campaign, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. According some accounts, she later deserted and became a nurse with the U. S. Christian Commission. (Lewis, 2007) However, there were reports that she voluntarily left the army after contracting malaria and feared that she would be found out if she would submit for treatment. (CivilWarStudies. org, n. d. ) Her application for a veterans pension which was approved in 1884 was given on a lower floor the name Sarah E. E. Seelye, her married name. (Lewis, 2007) She was later named to the Grand Army of the Republi c, the lone female to have been so named. (Hall, n. d. ) other interesting story was that of Malinda Blalock.In her desire to be with her husband, William Mckesson Blalock (known as Keith to friends), she pretended to be Williams brother, Samuel. She accordingly joined F Company of the 26th North Carolina Infantry where Keith was also serving. Malinda was a Confederate by heart while Keith was a dyed-in-the-wool Lincolnite and was loyal to the Union cause. Although Keith was pressured by his family and fiends into joining the Confederate Army, he was incessantly entertaining thoughts of deserting as soon as an opportunity presented itself.Malinda, despite being a loyal Confederate subject, was prepared to desert with him anytime. (Hall, n. d. ) However, the opportunity for desertion not having presented itself, the couple fought alongside each other beneath the Confederate flag (in a total of three battles) until March 1862 when Malinda sustained a shoulder wound. unnerved that they would be separated as soon as it was known that Malinda was a woman and forced out of the unit, Keith covered himself with poison oak to develop skin blisters and high fever. Fearing a case of small pox, the community doctor decided to discharge him for medical reason.The couple left Company F together on April 20, 1862 and went home to the mountains of western North Carolina to rest. The risk of recall to duty remained for Keith, however. So what the two did was hide in the mountains and turned Union guerillas, operating in the mountainous areas of East Tennessee and western North Carolina. Keith and Malinda later functioned as scouts attached to the 10th Michigan Cavalry. (Halls, n. d. ) There was also a case involving a 19-year-old immigrant from Ireland. He gave the name Albert D. J. demolish when he signed up with the 95th Illinois Infantry on August 3, 1862.He was utter to have participated in about forty major and minor battles until August 17, 1865. After his stint with the Union army, he found employment as an ordinary laborer and ultimately received a pension. He later lived in a Soldiers Home located in Quincy, Illinois where, in 1913, he was eventually discovered by a home surgeon that he was actually a she. Albert D. J. Cashiers being a woman made the headlines. Nobody who knew her during her whole adult life ever suspected that she was in reality a woman. On October 11, 1914, Cashier died in an asylum for the mentally ill. (Blanton, 1993)