Thursday, April 11, 2019

Outline how legislation, policies and procedures relating to heath Essay Example for Free

Outline how legislation, policies and procedures relating to heath EssayThe Health and precaution at work act is a go of legislation that is responsible for convering totally health and unspoiledty in britain. However, the health and galosh handler at individual establishments ar responsible for take a stylusing protrude the act and making veritable everything is in cohearance with the piece of legislation. HASAWA influences health and social care in m whatever different ways such as the vindication it now gives to employers and employees, before this piece of legislation was made people had no legal protection whilst they were at work. HASAWA influences health and social as it tells the possesser of a business, or establishment, what they motive to be doing to key out sure they are working in accordance to the legislation. Everyone has the duty to comply with the act, this includes employers, employees, trainees, self employed, manufacturers, suppliers ect. This legislation nourishments people safe as it provides people with the instuctions to make their establishments safe for themselves and their employees. HASAWA tells owners to carry out a find assessment which points out the hazards that need to be changed and/or fixed.An example of legislation influencing a health and care setting is The manual of arms Handling Operations regualtion. MHOR is always thought to be the last resort, and only if there is a guess of injury. Legislation tells emplyers and employees how to move and handle things enchantly and when it is and isnt appropriate to move and handle things. Employers essential carry out risk assessments before opening a business to find if there are any faults or dangers to the customers or employees. There must be a health and safety policy write specifically for that setting and someone must be employed to be in charge of health and safety. Everything in the establishment must be insured incase accidents expire. Employees m ust take responsibility of your own and other peoples health andsafety and non do anything that could cause someones health and safety to be dumbfound at risk. This influences the setting as it keeps people working or entering the setting safe and gives them the appropriate instructions to keep them as safe as possible. It keeps people safe as it provides instructions and regulations that must be followed to keep everyone safe, and if everyone follows these regulations and instructions then their safety and health w minatory be safe. Food Safety Act 1990The Food Safety Act 1990 is a frame for all food legislation in Britain. Responsibilities for food businesses include Ensuring you do not include anything in food or remove anything from food making it a hazard to the health of people consuming it. Advertising food in a way that isnt misleading or false. The food safety act influences health in some different ways, it gives environmental health the right to inspect the quality of food, the status it is prepared and the place it is served and if it is not up to standard they have the power to close the establishment, in extreme cases. Before the establishment is unkindly down they are served a notice of improvement or be temporaraly closed until the standards are butt up. Without the Food Safety Act food would be able to be served to you in any conditon, and if you became ill from that food you could not retain any shape of compensation because there is no legislation sexual relation the establishment how to cook, prepare and serve food safely.Employers and employees must make sure food is safe to eat, make sure they male parentt add, remove or treat food in a way that makes it harmful to eat, make sure the quality of the food is the same as it is advertised or anticipate by the customer, Keep track of where the food was bought, if unsafe food is discovered it needs to be instal down and removed and tell people why the food has been recalled. There must be hand mute at all sinks and hands must be washed before spot food, after touching food, after using the toilet, after touching animals, after touching your own skin and hair, after sneeze or coughing and after touching raw food.Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 RIDDOR is the piece of legislation that states all injuries, diseases, illnesses need to be shrouded to either the health and safety executive orthe local council. RIDDOR is put in place so that health and safety executives so-and-so look at where the risks occur and can take steps to prevent them. There are of course only certain injuries and dangerous occuurences that need to be reported, things such as violence at work, gas leaks, injuries that have occured during work or in the work place. RIDDOR also benefits people who have been wound at work and want compensation, health and safety executives follow up on the case and evaluate if the acdicent was because of the emplo yee being put at risk or if they didnt follow procedure. The employers responsibility is to maintain the safety of their employees customers and they have the responsibility to report if an employee or customer has been injured whilst at work or in the establishment. Without RIDDOR, injuries caused in the workplace could not be claimed upon and the hazard could not be found and removed, if the hazard isnt removed then people will be continuously be getting injured. The incidents need to be written in an accident book and should inlude the date and measure of injury, the name of the worker, a description of the accident, action taken and the result.Slips, Trips, FallsSlips, trips and falls are the most gross causes of major injuries in the work place. Most trips are caused by uneven or un-maintained floors, and slips are unremarkably cased by wet floors. However, slips, trips and falls can be prevented if the right preventions and procedures are put into place and followed. The e mployers responsibilities are to make sure the floors serface is even and maintained, decreasing the risk of trips, all obstructions in hallways and on floors are removed and stored properly, this also decreases the risk of trips. All spillages should be immediately cleaned up using the appropriate method, normally a cloth or mop, and a wet floor sign should be appointed if needed, this decreases the risk of slips. Staffs responsibilities are to wear safe and sensible footwear which have good grip, and they must also keep their work stations clear and tidy, also both staff and service users have the responsibility to report obstructions and spillages if not recognised. The policy put in place ifluences health and care as it prevents the risks of slips, trips and falls, without it there would be no procedures to influence staff to remove the risks, such asobsticles that may cause trips. If staff, employees and the service users dont follow the policies put in place then the risks of accidents will be raised, and if an accident does occur and they havent followed the procedures they were responsible to follow then they cant claim any form of compensation.

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