Monday, April 1, 2019

Differences between the characteristics of a soft real time task

Differences between the characteristics of a patrician legitimate m lying-inQues 1- explain the key differences between the characteristics of a soft genuinely number clip task such as web browsing and a non real envision task such as e-mail lurch?ANS= Key Concepts Classification Of Real-magazine Systems Real- condemnation dodges cig bette be classified from antithetical perspectives. The first cardinal classifications, punishing real conviction versus soft real metre, and fail-safe versus fail-operational, depend on the characteristics of the application, i.e., on factors outside the calculator g all everyplacenance. The number three classifications, guaranteed-timeliness versus best-effort, resource-adequate versus resource-inadequate, and event-triggered versus time-triggered, depend on the design and implementation, i.e., on factors inside the computer governance. However this paper focuses on the differences between sonorous and soft real-time classif ication. Hard Real-Time versus Soft Real-TimeThe rejoinder time requirements of hard real-time trunks be in the order of milliseconds or less and hobo result in a catastrophe if not met. In contrast, the repartee time requirements of soft real-time systems atomic number 18 higher and not re entirelyy stringent. In a hard real-time system, the thrill-load performance must be predictable and should not violate the predefined deadlines. In a soft real-time system, a degraded operation in a rarely occurring peak load can be tolerated. A hard real-time system must remain synchronous with the advance of the environment in all cases. On the otherhand soft real-time systems go forth slow down their response time if the load is very high. Hard real-time systems are practically safety critical. Hard real-time systems hand over small information files and real-time databases. Temporal accuracy is often the concern here. Soft real-time systems for example, on-line reservation syst ems have larger databases and require long-term integrity of real-time systems. If an error occurs in a soft real-time system, the computation is involute back to a previously established checkpoint to initiate a recuperation action. In hard real-time systems, roll-back/recovery is of limited use. Ques2-Name any both important sensors devices and two actuator devices use in real time applications and explain the physical principals behind their working?ANS= one actuator is robotic arms that is chiefly used in the manufacture company of any car and bike..the robotic queue up the parts of car inside the cabenetInput=tempreture ,,,pressure,light,etc its all the input of for the actuator widening=electrical signal Ques3-- In a hard real time system, is it necessary that every task in the system be of hard real time type? Explain your answer using a suitable example?Ans-Contain only tasks with no hard measure constraints.Also known as best effort systemsMost modern operating syst ems can serve as the base for a soft real time systems.Examplesmultimedia transmission and reception, networking, telecom (cellular) networks,web sites and services, computer games. Contains tasks with hard timing constraints.Requires orchis verification/guarantees of existence to always meet its hard deadlines (except for fatal errors).Examples advertize trading go , vehicle subsystems control, medical systemsThere are two different consummation modelsIn a preemptive model of writ of execution a task may be interrupted (preempted) during its execution and other task run in its place. In a non-preemptive model of execution after a task that starts executing no other task may execute until this task concludes or yields the CPU. The task model for a real time system has two main typesQues4-What are the different types of timing constraints that occur in a system? Give examples of each.Time constraints of data-The controlling system interacts with its environment based on the da ta available about the environment, say from various sensors e.g position , velocity, and altitude, sensors and cameras. It is known that the state of the environment, as perceived by the controlling system, be consistent with the material state of the environment. The second data is processed further to derive spick-and-span data, for example data such as aircraft position, heading velocity are used to derive the time at which it would touch ground if allowed to land.Time constraints of actions- having covered the timing aspects of events and data we are now in a position to summarize the reasons for actions being associated with time constraints. Time constraints dictate the demeanor of the environment they constrain the rates and time at which input come at the system for example in an air traffic control system, a flight commander must not ask for consent to land until the aircraft is 10 minutes from the airport. Behavioral constraints ensure that the environment of a syste m is well behaved, whereas performance constraints ensure that the computer system performs satisfactorily. for each one of performance and behavioral constraints can further be classified into the sideline three types Delay Constraint Deadline Constraint Duration Constraint These three classes of constraints are explained in the subsequent sections. Ques5-Explain why safety and dependability are not independent issues in safety-critical hard real time systems. Explain the basic techniques you would adopt to develop a package product that is postulate to be highly reliableAns- it leave alone crash, and it wastes lot of time and money to create a new system, and if the system is crash it will not work as a real time system ,it loses the dependability ,therefore it is necessary to hard real time systems that safety and reliability depends on each other, thus system works as a true hard real time system. In traditional systems ,safety and reliability are normally considered to be independent issues .it is therefore possible to order a traditiona system that is safe and unreliable and systems that are reliable plainly unsafe.for ex- word treat software may not be a reliable but is safe, Software Reliability is an important to attribute of software quality, together with functionality, usability, performance, serviceability, capability, installability, maintainability, and documentation. Software Reliability is hard to achieve, because the complexity of software tends to be high. While any system with a high degree of complexity, including software, will be hard to reach a certain level of reliability, system developers tend to push complexity into the software layer, with the rapid growth of system size and ease of doing so by upgrading the software. For example, large next-generation aircraft will have over one one thousand thousand source lines of software on-board next-generation air traffic control systems will contain between one and two million li nes the upcoming international Space Station will have over two million lines on-board and over ten million lines of ground stand out software several major life-critical defense systems will have over five million source lines of software. While the complexity of software is mutually related to softwareQues6-Give an example of soft real time task and non real time task. Explain the difference in between these two types of tasks?Ans- A soft real-time system on the other hand will tolerate such lateness, and may respond with reduced service quality (e.g., omitting frames while displaying a video). Soft real-time systems are typically used where there is some issue of concurrent bother and the need to keep a number of connected systems up to date with changing situationsa non real time tasks are batch processing jobs,e -mail,and background tasks such an event logers .you may ,however ,argue that even these tasks, in the austere sense of the term ,do have certain time ema il is anticipate to reach its destination at least with in a coupleof hours of being sent.similar is the case with a batch processing job such a pay-slip printing what then reality is the difference between a non real task and a soft real time task for non real time tasks ,the associated time bounds are typically of the order of a few minutes hours or even days .in contrast the time bounds associated with soft real time tasks are at or so of the order

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