Friday, April 5, 2019

Issue Of Importance To You Essay Example for Free

Issue Of Importance To You EssayScientists say that we live on one of the youngest planets in our solar system. Yet, just like any person who has been abusing his body regularly over a stopover of time, our planet has aged immensely over the past decades. Everyday, I open the newspaper and read somewhat various environmental abuses, turning on the television shows me the effects of global warming on the planet. world-wide warming, La Nina, El Nino, no matter what we call the weather phenomenon the truth is that the earth we live on is sick. Gravely ill and asking for help to retrieve a recuperate for what ails it. Afflicted with various illnesses for which there does not be a cure in sight, the real question is, can we collectively find a cure for all that ails our planet before it is withal late? Sometimes, I look bulge out my window and worry about what the next reaction of the planet will be to the constant abuse. allow for my children still have a planet to call hom e when they grow up?Will there still be resources available to them in the future that will help them survive the constantly forever-changing weather patterns? I feel like the past generations and the present have taken so galore(postnominal) liberties that the earth has come to the point of no return, it may be too late to turn things approximately and preserve what is left for the future generations. Strange illnesses for which there does not seem to be a cure seem to be plaguing us. Perhaps, that is the after effect of all the poisons that permeate our air.God still knows that nobody ever intended for all of this to happen as we strive to improve our lives. It may not be too late to save the planet. The question remains though as to how much mankind is willing to dislodge in order to preserve what is here and to help restore the natural balance that was intentionally pale by us. The planet is crying out for help. It is our job as a collective to make certain(a) that we hel p it find a cure and save its life. After all, if this planet dies, so do we, for this is the only place we can call home.

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